Summer Fete 2023

Despite the challenging weather conditions that were beyond our control, we managed to successfully organise and hold this year's annual Summer Fete for the enjoyment of our residents. This time around, we chose to set the event indoors, in order to shield everyone from the rain that was pouring down outside. Our efforts paid off, however, as despite the rain, everyone still had an incredible time coming together and celebrating.
We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who contributed to making this day such a great success. Without your participation, continued enthusiasm, and support, we wouldn't have been able to pull off a fun and memorable event such as this. 
Additionally, we greatly appreciate all of the generous donations that were given towards our residents fund as they will go a long way in helping to improve their quality of life. It's because of individuals like yourselves that we are continually able to provide the very best care and support to our community.